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About Matthew Adkins
Matthew Adkins: Certified Ziglar Legacy Trainer
Phone: 434/251-4114
Matthew Adkins


BIBLICAL COACHING:​  •   Biblical coaching means you rely on TRUTHS from the Word of God as you seek to bring out the more capable person within. Hebrews 4:12 says, “The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

   We use a Christ-centered  approach while giving advice, encouragement, and hope to others based on biblical truth while relying on Christ to provide the power for change. Second Corinthians 5:17 says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (NKJV).

As a Ziglar Certified Trainer & Bliblical Coach my passion is to help God's people over come bad habits that hinder their life and cause them to distance themselve from Christ. To accomplish this we use the Ziglar Be, Do, Have coaching process which involves, Becoming the person God has called you to be, Doing the things God requires us to do, and Having all the things God has promised us in this life and the next.

Everything is a Spirtual Battle!

​Pastor Roger Ewing says "you are either in a battle, coming out of a battle or going into a battle!" 

The problem we face is not the battle itself but the person we allow ourself to become during the battle.  Many times a battle can bring out the worst in a person because they allow their circumstances to determine their attitude.  Zig Ziglar says "Your attitude determines your altitude."

 ​The scary thing is for some people, not only do they allow their circumstances to determine their attitude, but also their level of faith.  A poor attitude can lead to hardening of the heart which causes us to disconnect from our relationship with God. If your faith is either shaken or stablized because of your attitude then your faith is in your performance and not in what Jesus has already done. When we lack faith we limit God's ability to do a good work in us, and we limit the promises he has given us. You can limit what God wants to do in your life. You can limit all the possibilities that God has for you. You can limit the achievements that God wants to do in and through your life. God has exciting plans that He wants to accomplish through all of us and yet, many times, these things do not happen. Our dreams do not come true because we, ourselves, limit God by lack of faith.

The Solution= God's GPS (God's) (Priority) (System)

​What are you allowing in your life that takes your dependacy from God and puts it on you.. or your... finances, addictions, bad habits, attitude, circumstances.  We are trying to feed ourself with the wrong food. Spiritual food is the only food that meets our every need. 

God's GPS can do the same thing  for you life, that a gps does for your car. Knowing God's Word ​and how to create a plan of action that will take you from where you are to where God wants you to be. 

​Using the tools and resources found in Scripture we can overcome virtually everthing we face on a day to day basis.

We were all meant to succeed. We were all Born To Win.

Use the form on the right to schedule a meeting to discuss how we can help turn Hope to Habit and Survival to Significance through God's Word.





Matthew Adkins
Matthew Adkins
Phone: 434/251-4114

Zig Ziglar - Motivating Millions

Matthew Adkins ZLC

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Matthew Adkins Certified Ziglar Legacy Trainer