Is it really possible to be happy, healthy, and prosperous? Can you really expect to have solid family relationships, peace of mind and a feeling of security? Is there hope for a better tomorrow? The answer is a resounding “YES!”
This workshop will tell you how you can take control of your destiny. Your future is not determined by other people or circumstances. In fact, regardless of your circumstances there is one undeniable freedom; the freedom to choose your attitude toward those circumstances.
You can take charge of your life by climbing the stairway to success. It is possible to make radical changes in your life by taking small, consistent action steps. You will discover that you have everything already necessary to make your life better. You will leave with an action plan to take your life where you want it to go.
In the Building the Best You! course you will learn:Building the Best You! can be delivered in a 30-minute keynote up to a full-day interactive workshop. Ziglar Legacy workshops are designed to be fully engaging with just the perfect blend of teaching and group activities to insure that what is learned in class actually gets used at work and at home.
Relationships are extremely important. How well you get along with your boss, your customers, your friends and your family members can determine the accomplishments you achieve in life.
If you can build a winning relationship then you will have taken a huge step towards the success in life that you seek. A balanced life requires relationships with other people. Learning how to build winning relationships is a key to achieving a successful life.
Learn the four steps you can take to build healthy relationships in your family and at work. Strengthen your network of contacts and see opportunities open up that you never thought possible.
In the Building Winning Relationships course you will learn:Building Winning Relationships can be delivered in a 30-minute keynote up to a full-day interactive workshop. Ziglar Legacy workshops are designed to be fully engaging with just the perfect blend of teaching and group activities to insure that what is learned in class actually gets used at work and at home.
Do you have a target or goal in life? Unless you have definite, precise, clearly set goals, you are not going to realize the maximum potential that lies within you. What about you and your goals? Are they clearly in focus, or still pretty fuzzy?
You will learn the power of goal setting and the easy steps it takes to guarantee you can achieve any goal you set using the goal setting formula. People like to complain about lack of time when the lack of direction is the real problem. Time can be an ally or an enemy. What it becomes depends entirely upon you, your goals, and your determination to use every available minute.
The dictionary says a goal is an aim or purpose. It’s a plan. Something you expect to do. Whoever you are, wherever you are and whatever you do, you should have goals. Mothers should have goals. Sales people should have goals. Students, doctors, business people, athletes should have goals. With definite goals you release your own power, and things start happening!
In the Goal Setting and Achievement course you will learn:Goal Setting and Achievement can be delivered in a 30-minute keynote up to a full-day interactive workshop. Ziglar Legacy workshops are designed to be fully engaging with just the perfect blend of teaching and group activities to insure that what is learned in class actually gets used at work and at home.
Zig Ziglar gave countless presentations through which he connected with members of large and small audiences in a very personal way. One of Zig's secrets was that he fully engaged with his audience as he fully embraced sharing his message. Zig didn't give speeches, Zig communicated openly with honest intention and sincere interest in his topic and his audience.
Zig Ziglar promoted a view of Success that transcended business. In fact, by embracing success in all areas of life Zig was able to help millions become more successful in business. Similarly, the Ziglar Legacy programs transcend any one specific area of business. For a free consultation on how the Ziglar Legacy programs and services can help you achieve you goals contact me directly.
You can have everything in life you want, if you'll just help enough other people get what they want.